

  • Eskay award in 2024 under leadership of Dr. S. K. Chauhan
  • B k Doshi award in 2024 for the initiative of make in India for Vig Graphics
  • Harlalka award for unbeatable efforts of Mr. K. P. Singh
  • Hosted FCBM MC meeting in Radisson, Ayodya with AGM of UPCBMA with insightful technical sessions on various topics.

  • Awarded as fastest growing Association for last 2 years in FCBM under guidance of Dr. S. K. Chauhan.

  • AGM of UPCBMA in fortune hotel, Noida with a sessions from fire control department

  • AGM of UPCBMA in gold course, Noida with various technical sessions on quality control and fast production with chief guest Mr. Madhav Chakraborty, director IIP, Delhi

  • Organised very insightful 3 day full time comprehensive course on corrugated packaging with more than 15 sessions in Iskon Noida. Spreading good production practices, quality of raw material, etc.

  • Published a technical book with Mr. Gaurav Pratap Singh explaining different topics including compression, flute, conversion ratio of different tests and test parameter etc. Includes 17 chapters. More than 500 copies of this books have been distributed to corrugator in UP. This will be a life time asset for any corrugator.

  • Under the guidance of Mr. Rajendra Bhati UPCBMA has seen new heights he is Our Trail blazer for uniting our efforts in one direction and encouraging members and being available for everyone everytime.

  • Our great visionary Mr. Sushil Sood has always been a great support for every effort. His vision, energy and efforts have always given a new heights to UPCBMA. He is the face of our UPCBMA. We have achieved amazing heights under his guidance. He has always been the torch bearer.